Concert Attire and Community Outreach Events
Concert Attire:
Boys- Dark suit pants, White long sleeved dress shirt, any color long tie or bow tie, dark belt, dark dress shoes and socks. Boys will need to wear a dark suit jacket at the Annual Spring Showcase
Girls- Floor length black dresses, BAK MSOA and DSOA concert uniforms are the perfect example, OR full length long black skirts (no pants) with white long sleeved blouses, black dress shoes (no high heels), Hair should be styled out of the face, No jewelry on fingers or wrists (including watches)
(PBSSM has a clothing exchange from those that have outgrown their nice concert clothes. Please contribute to it or help yourself to needed concert attire.)
Community Outreach Event Attire:
Boys & Girls - Semi Formal (Dressy casual) - please no flip flops or sneakers
Concert Attendance and Behavior:
Recitals are as much a part of your child’s education as his/her lessons. Through loving, structured training in concert attendance and participation, the following desired benefits will be harvested:
How you can manifest the above abilities in your children through concert attendance and guarantee the nurtured environment for others in attendance:
Concert Attire:
Boys- Dark suit pants, White long sleeved dress shirt, any color long tie or bow tie, dark belt, dark dress shoes and socks. Boys will need to wear a dark suit jacket at the Annual Spring Showcase
Girls- Floor length black dresses, BAK MSOA and DSOA concert uniforms are the perfect example, OR full length long black skirts (no pants) with white long sleeved blouses, black dress shoes (no high heels), Hair should be styled out of the face, No jewelry on fingers or wrists (including watches)
(PBSSM has a clothing exchange from those that have outgrown their nice concert clothes. Please contribute to it or help yourself to needed concert attire.)
Community Outreach Event Attire:
Boys & Girls - Semi Formal (Dressy casual) - please no flip flops or sneakers
Concert Attendance and Behavior:
Recitals are as much a part of your child’s education as his/her lessons. Through loving, structured training in concert attendance and participation, the following desired benefits will be harvested:
- Inner peace, which comes from quiet listening;
- Appreciation for human self expression in playing and composing;
- Passion to share acquired abilities;
- Love for beautiful sound;
- Awareness of the progress resulting from daily practice;
- Building of those techniques which only come from experiencing the performance of others.
How you can manifest the above abilities in your children through concert attendance and guarantee the nurtured environment for others in attendance:
- Be with your children at all times (except when we have the soloists line up and sit together before their solos.)
- Do not get up from your seat or let your child get up while a performer is playing.
- Should your child absolutely have to leave for some reason, go with him/her and only leave and return during audience clapping.
- Come on time to the performance. If your child is performing arrive no later than 2:15 p.m. in order for your child to have their instrument tuned and a chance to run through their piece with the accompanist on stage. See that your child is prepared and settling down before the concert without feeling rushed.
- Do not talk during the performance.
- Do not rustle papers during the performance.
- Do not allow any eating or drinking during the concert.
- Talk with your child about proper concert behavior and let him/her know that those behaviors are your expectations.